Table 9. Implications of the 1996 Farm Bill and the November 1997 FAPRI Baseline on the Economic Viability of
Representative Farms Primarily Producing Milk

                    CAD1710   NMD2000   WAD185    WAD850    IDD500    IDD1800   TXCD400   TXCD825   TXED210   TXED650

Change in Real Net Worth
(%) Over 1997-2002    63.83      6.22     37.39     23.30     37.62     76.10    -10.22     52.16     31.62     35.97

Govt Payments/Receipts (%)
  1997-2002            0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

Cost to Receipts Ratio (%)
  1997-2002           72.31     95.62     82.09     89.65     85.27     77.41     94.66     84.42     94.53     85.46

Total Cash Receipts ($1000)
             1996   5242.61   6401.13    697.75   2962.68   1609.50   5556.98   1018.54   2499.26    558.02   1772.46
             1997   4932.31   6029.58    651.67   2770.25   1480.36   5083.14    946.45   2320.37    521.09   1648.34
             1998   5044.27   6097.28    655.15   2785.13   1489.39   5103.78    960.02   2352.71    528.63   1671.81
             1999   5213.96   6240.58    665.41   2828.40   1529.08   5222.24    985.18   2412.60    544.51   1715.85
             2000   5352.56   6384.83    678.76   2885.09   1562.49   5317.32   1008.62   2469.02    557.65   1757.51
             2001   5425.76   6463.74    688.70   2926.88   1580.42   5386.90   1019.65   2495.99    561.71   1775.45
             2002   5472.80   6543.73    699.39   2971.32   1591.93   5445.45   1028.77   2520.42    567.09   1790.93
1997-2002 Average   5240.28   6293.29    673.18   2861.18   1549.03   5302.26    991.45   2428.52    546.78   1726.65

Net Cash Farm Income ($1000)
             1996   1585.20    866.28    168.68    514.54    328.41   1532.77    115.35    495.08    126.62    332.01
             1997   1034.70    -47.78     86.16    159.40    133.56    834.76     19.60    245.89     83.47    165.62
             1998   1261.13    213.98    120.57    293.20    186.94   1060.22     49.44    349.11    100.45    233.79
             1999   1516.37    407.80    133.79    353.85    242.54   1253.98     73.35    417.53    116.93    290.01
             2000   1641.56    496.16    142.18    386.79    269.16   1326.50     81.47    452.13    126.57    319.63
             2001   1669.15    465.89    143.05    395.41    267.52   1346.30     71.94    448.73    123.46    313.52
             2002   1661.53    431.14    142.04    391.64    257.23   1336.11     56.89    439.55    121.31    295.16
1997-2002 Average   1464.07    327.87    127.97    330.05    240.76   1241.52     58.78    392.16    112.03    269.62

Ending Cash Reserves ($1000)
             1996    770.49    447.27     73.52    237.60    125.31    720.41     26.14    238.04     45.96    159.55
             1997   1192.12    148.15     80.35    188.45     88.95    951.53    -34.02    294.57     50.54    178.04
             1998   1788.46    114.42    120.55    270.21    111.73   1354.68    -62.27    442.93     69.16    245.86
             1999   2514.87    227.54    166.84    379.96    165.46   1863.90    -81.11    620.21     99.24    341.09
             2000   3338.83    393.05    217.40    509.84    254.26   2455.79    -88.85    833.16    137.51    476.24
             2001   4101.55    523.58    267.11    646.14    329.81   3042.14   -112.04   1038.10    174.53    602.82
             2002   4385.24    628.87    304.57    767.52    401.69   3580.24   -144.57   1233.36    207.23    718.83
1997-2002 Average   2886.84    339.27    192.80    460.35    211.03   1995.53    -87.14    743.72    123.04    427.15

Total Debt ($1000)
             1996   1419.06   1153.95    156.09    812.67    379.09   1225.15    220.08    325.81    144.64    365.90
             1997   1363.51   1288.35    161.53    828.39    404.40   1053.27    270.34    306.40    170.87    365.68
             1998   1281.04   1354.68    154.15    810.25    334.68    938.96    286.88    291.86    175.08    378.66
             1999   1218.49   1322.67    158.17    784.43    250.99    732.57    286.16    316.31    170.31    373.67
             2000   1149.60   1295.66    154.62    763.13    188.71    594.80    288.93    310.91    157.90    342.10
             2001   1009.86   1240.22    166.25    714.40    172.61    432.89    311.11    301.90    149.38    308.91
             2002    422.69   1148.30    176.34    672.94    106.92    272.60    371.30    281.57    138.40    290.96
1997-2002 Average   1074.20   1274.98    161.85    762.26    262.49    750.04    302.45    301.49    160.32    343.33

Nominal Net Worth ($1000)
             1996   5845.05   5073.66    628.87   2844.26   1645.84   5839.99    875.74   1767.91    629.32   1732.93
             1997   6514.96   5010.75    666.18   2947.19   1713.20   6428.18    857.98   1907.96    680.54   1842.61
             1998   7345.08   5189.55    732.99   3164.81   1840.02   7177.37    872.33   2135.73    733.94   2010.47
             1999   8452.39   5666.20    821.22   3487.87   2045.77   8194.86    922.15   2454.79    814.56   2260.50
             2000   9596.33   6177.40    909.13   3807.67   2255.41   9222.15    971.44   2797.20    895.31   2518.27
             2001  10476.27   6332.65    966.97   3995.69   2357.40   9932.26    963.89   3002.66    942.20   2665.82
             2002  11196.97   6301.43   1010.31   4100.83   2422.30  10463.68    919.35   3145.56    968.56   2755.16
1997-2002 Average   8930.33   5779.66    851.13   3584.01   2039.99   8179.78    917.86   2573.98    839.19   2342.14

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
($1,000) Over 1997 -1074.67    -53.09    -60.56   -154.65   -114.60   -893.10     27.63   -242.76    -50.58   -156.14

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
(% of recpts) 1997   -20.51     -0.84     -9.00     -5.40     -7.40    -16.84      2.79    -10.00     -9.25     -9.04

Table 10. Implications of the 1996 Farm Bill and the November 1997 FAPRI Baseline on the Economic Viability of
Representative Farms Primarily Producing Milk

                      WID70     WID600    MIED200   MICD140   NYWD700   NYWD1200  NYCD110   NYCD300   VTD85     VTD350

Change in Real Net Worth
(%) Over 1997-2002    48.54     56.51      5.64     -4.86     69.14     58.00     10.42     69.00     46.30     51.95

Govt Payments/Receipts (%)
  1997-2002            0.00      0.00      0.12      0.01      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

Cost to Receipts Ratio (%)
  1997-2002           58.02     74.97     89.44     90.03     74.36     77.87     84.70     65.15     56.90     73.70

Total Cash Receipts ($1000)
             1996    226.46   1858.18    685.40    447.65   2495.52   4036.41    377.08   1012.85    316.75   1220.76
             1997    211.28   1732.08    637.17    418.88   2287.40   3695.46    345.85    930.81    303.43   1166.28
             1998    215.93   1765.68    650.03    428.80   2331.43   3768.32    352.90    951.24    314.91   1210.77
             1999    222.07   1817.35    667.82    442.61   2383.32   3854.90    360.97    972.57    322.47   1237.11
             2000    228.52   1869.08    684.58    455.44   2445.66   3958.48    371.10    999.88    319.40   1220.39
             2001    231.36   1891.82    693.64    460.53   2476.49   4008.72    375.73   1011.47    323.24   1236.73
             2002    233.12   1908.18    702.42    464.57   2510.74   4063.94    380.55   1023.56    326.39   1252.26
1997-2002 Average    223.71   1830.70    672.61    445.14   2405.84   3891.63    364.52    981.59    318.31   1220.59

Net Cash Farm Income ($1000)
             1996    102.80    559.09    109.44     60.74    730.00   1077.92     81.87    395.49    139.67    351.61
             1997     80.92    363.94     28.16     13.89    472.59    671.44     36.05    284.57    120.40    271.28
             1998     89.95    430.72     67.96     37.57    581.09    802.07     53.11    325.80    136.80    331.84
             1999     95.93    492.70     88.89     51.62    638.56    895.57     60.17    348.76    145.70    356.04
             2000    101.55    528.26     96.08     60.27    681.84    964.13     66.49    369.85    141.00    330.36
             2001    102.47    525.27     97.78     59.15    692.74    963.91     65.44    371.89    142.14    331.17
             2002    103.12    516.36     95.07     56.04    693.08    966.44     63.77    373.90    142.11    331.05
1997-2002 Average     95.65    476.21     78.99     46.42    626.65    877.26     57.51    345.80    138.02    325.29

Ending Cash Reserves ($1000)
             1996     42.99    269.91     49.01     17.61    355.50    546.81     18.32    175.95     64.31    170.03
             1997     69.07    402.30     17.64    -14.58    521.56    788.61      1.71    274.34    110.44    271.80
             1998     97.88    593.62     24.11    -20.11    782.99   1118.85      0.31    405.32    165.98    413.89
             1999    120.92    817.33     41.13    -18.04   1063.14   1498.11     -1.95    540.87    201.15    559.61
             2000    138.51   1068.73     61.11     -7.94   1380.29   1931.47      3.21    683.48    207.45    698.72
             2001    146.68   1303.45     74.15     -5.99   1705.51   2364.06      3.61    765.75    211.66    829.16
             2002    151.18   1510.10     78.68    -14.87   2005.54   2795.32     -2.06    790.66    216.89    959.89
1997-2002 Average    120.71    949.26     49.47    -13.59   1243.17   1749.40      0.81    576.74    185.60    622.18

Total Debt ($1000)
             1996    101.01    420.76    269.16    230.74    574.97    940.26    141.37    296.39    150.81    379.72
             1997     99.96    425.83    272.54    236.41    596.28    938.28    145.47    291.93    145.95    355.85
             1998    100.30    405.25    278.65    229.49    588.21    994.34    146.32    295.80    146.83    356.83
             1999    104.40    373.06    270.90    213.37    561.62    954.56    148.40    278.84    113.82    336.34
             2000     94.11    351.40    281.34    216.86    553.03    946.52    148.45    267.59     85.19    326.61
             2001     83.58    306.97    266.69    226.48    486.29    902.21    146.71    183.68     77.96    326.99
             2002     69.08    245.43    240.73    229.76    440.98    812.34    150.57     90.59     69.16    295.89
1997-2002 Average     91.90    351.32    268.47    225.39    537.74    924.71    147.66    234.74    106.49    333.09

Nominal Net Worth ($1000)
             1996    357.61   1935.63   1280.54   1047.71   2440.11   4020.03    460.41   1193.75    511.34   1431.58
             1997    406.25   2133.52   1311.51   1080.73   2752.63   4493.46    474.36   1383.87    583.34   1596.06
             1998    457.71   2391.22   1371.30   1095.48   3146.05   5040.10    500.77   1590.77    666.73   1800.12
             1999    516.91   2727.72   1460.91   1134.82   3628.71   5752.72    538.92   1834.24    763.58   2043.31
             2000    572.39   3084.44   1542.12   1175.45   4121.55   6483.05    575.83   2076.99    833.62   2257.59
             2001    606.38   3337.35   1577.13   1181.79   4506.14   7005.92    592.80   2259.01    863.37   2417.34
             2002    621.12   3542.22   1581.71   1165.58   4825.87   7426.90    594.43   2359.04    874.73   2543.63
1997-2002 Average    530.13   2869.41   1474.11   1138.97   3830.16   6033.69    546.19   1917.32    764.23   2109.68

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
($1,000) Over 1997   -55.93   -311.92    -13.29     15.84   -462.69   -634.30    -10.78   -259.43    -92.49   -222.00

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
(% of recpts) 1997   -25.00    -17.04     -1.98      3.56    -19.23    -16.30     -2.96    -26.43    -29.20    -18.19

Table 11. Implications of the 1996 Farm Bill and the November 1997 FAPRI Baseline on the Economic Viability of
Representative Farms Primarily Producing Milk

                      MOD85     MOD300    GAND175   GASD650   FLND380   FLSD2000

Change in Real Net Worth
(%) Over 1997-2002    16.02     21.36    -51.03     53.21     31.82      7.12

Govt Payments/Receipts (%)
  1997-2002            0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

Cost to Receipts Ratio (%)
  1997-2002           79.43     82.75    101.95     81.48     87.41     96.91

Total Cash Receipts ($1000)
             1996    218.92    819.58    532.14   2088.32   1194.42   6175.47
             1997    205.09    760.33    497.89   1953.40   1124.01   5800.60
             1998    209.29    776.01    508.59   1994.11   1144.86   5938.11
             1999    216.24    799.49    523.39   2049.65   1179.53   6132.56
             2000    222.65    819.37    536.79   2099.57   1211.13   6307.22
             2001    225.19    829.81    544.34   2129.69   1226.88   6379.52
             2002    226.49    837.78    549.79   2152.78   1240.00   6432.63
1997-2002 Average    217.49    803.80    526.80   2063.20   1187.73   6165.11

Net Cash Farm Income ($1000)
             1996     51.95    183.00     18.97    444.66    165.70    347.04
             1997     24.90     97.86    -82.86    225.95    -41.68   -740.90
             1998     41.37    132.77    -10.75    355.17    137.17    134.57
             1999     49.27    157.19     10.66    421.98    194.65    424.07
             2000     55.14    167.21     17.59    448.68    217.26    540.73
             2001     56.64    167.17     15.83    446.10    221.16    562.86
             2002     54.63    162.26      5.05    439.57    209.89    497.95
1997-2002 Average     46.99    147.41     -7.42    389.57    156.41    236.55

Ending Cash Reserves ($1000)
             1996     11.72     66.53    -12.24    191.76     57.28     92.68
             1997     -4.20     60.93   -128.83    229.78    -47.74   -777.51
             1998    -12.04     83.78   -175.23    361.55     -4.67   -835.59
             1999    -18.33     99.75   -208.18    511.94     62.82   -711.85
             2000    -18.79    136.80   -232.62    695.58    138.13   -536.63
             2001    -16.58    173.11   -260.33    878.38    215.92   -357.40
             2002    -16.46    202.22   -301.62   1057.62    284.76   -228.91
1997-2002 Average    -14.40    126.10   -217.80    622.47    108.20   -574.65

Total Debt ($1000)
             1996    128.66    326.14    105.51    342.18    229.69    870.41
             1997    134.91    331.14    226.10    324.81    284.45   1627.97
             1998    154.05    325.27    266.91    297.98    268.05   1681.01
             1999    154.81    316.38    302.78    276.53    239.59   1566.50
             2000    147.73    311.98    318.83    275.46    225.69   1443.54
             2001    132.33    290.41    336.96    260.67    207.72   1326.59
             2002    128.08    289.80    381.69    247.16    199.19   1262.97
1997-2002 Average    141.98    310.83    305.54    280.43    237.45   1484.76

Nominal Net Worth ($1000)
             1996    381.13   1133.52    386.92   1583.74    971.99   4208.15
             1997    399.64   1197.62    294.96   1703.41    923.93   3646.83
             1998    419.00   1283.12    272.29   1915.88   1024.03   3873.07
             1999    453.27   1397.95    279.34   2201.60   1180.97   4436.46
             2000    487.26   1508.69    290.06   2492.85   1338.38   5007.96
             2001    509.70   1574.86    268.64   2690.55   1438.15   5250.61
             2002    517.04   1608.47    221.55   2837.21   1498.17   5271.00
1997-2002 Average    464.32   1428.45    271.14   2306.92   1233.94   4580.99

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
($1,000) Over 1997   -10.70    -62.38     41.77   -243.55    -75.32    -51.65

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
(% of recpts) 1997    -4.92     -7.76      7.93    -11.80     -6.34     -0.84