Appendix Table A9. Characteristics of Representaive Farms in Montana, Wyoming,
and Colorado Producing Beef Cattle.

                        MTB400    WYB300    COB300

County                 Custer  Washakie     Routt

Total Cropland              0       200       400
 Acres Owned                0       200       300
 Acres Leased               0         0       100

 Acres Owned           14,000     1,000     1,800
 Federal AUM"S Lease    1,350     1,500       250
 State & Private AUM      450       160       630

Assets ($1000)
 Total                  1,553       580     2,707
 Real Estate            1,260       345     2,400
 Machinery                 97        75       105
 Other & Livestock        195       160       202

Number of Livestock
 Beef Cows                400       300       300

1996 Gross Receipts ($1,000)*
Total                   103.1      87.6     139.5

 Cattle                 103.1      87.3     123.8
                       100.00%    99.70%    88.70%

 Hay                      0.0       0.3       3.7
                         0.00%     0.30%     2.70%

 Other Receipts           0.0       0.0      12.0
                         0.00%     0.00%     8.60%

1996 Planted Acres**
Total                     440       200       400

 Hay                    440.0     200.0     400.0
                       100.00%   100.00%   100.00%
*Receipts for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each
enterprise to the farm. Percents indicate the percentage of the total receipts
accounted for by the livestock categories and the crops.

**Acreages for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each
enterprise to the farm; these values reflect acreage reduction percentages that year.
Total planted acreage may exceed total cropland available due to double cropping.
Percents indicate the percentage of total planted acreage accounted for by the crop.