Table 12. Implications of the 1996 Farm Bill and the November 1997 FAPRI
Baseline on the Economic Viability of Representative Farms Primarily Producing
Beef Cattle

                               MTB400      WYB300       COB300

 Change in Real Net Worth
(%) Over 1997-2002             16.74        12.78        11.43

Govt Payments/Receipts (%)
  1997-2002                     0.00         0.00         0.00

Cost to Receipts Ratio (%)
  1997-2002                    59.22        79.96        70.24

Total Cash Receipts ($1000)
             1996             103.07        87.64       139.48
             1997             135.53       110.83       151.16
             1998             143.57       117.03       162.39
             1999             157.92       128.28       174.48
             2000             175.39       141.76       190.38
             2001             169.43       137.37       186.50
             2002             152.19       124.48       175.21
1997-2002 Average             155.67       126.62       173.35

Net Cash Farm Income ($1000)
             1996              18.59        -2.90        20.52
             1997              43.99        17.55        32.97
             1998              55.78        19.92        45.39
             1999              69.13        30.50        55.99
             2000              87.70        41.55        65.41
             2001              78.57        34.47        64.96
             2002              61.79        22.46        54.74
1997-2002 Average              66.16        27.74        53.24

Ending Cash Reserves ($1000)
             1996               1.59       -16.21         1.17
             1997              19.01       -14.96        10.12
             1998              44.38       -12.65        26.67
             1999              76.24        -2.51        51.11
             2000             105.09         6.01        75.57
             2001             113.00        10.92        98.83
             2002             108.15         0.69       110.93
1997-2002 Average              77.65        -2.09        62.21

Total Debt ($1000)
             1996              15.91        22.25        27.07
             1997              17.54        19.76        25.88
             1998              26.31        34.13        23.16
             1999              22.56        43.45        41.43
             2000              13.73        53.36        71.16
             2001              14.56        55.38        67.09
             2002              21.87        67.70        58.89
1997-2002 Average              19.43        45.63        47.93

Nominal Net Worth ($1000)
             1996            1536.71       557.88      2680.09
             1997            1674.60       609.66      2873.28
             1998            1781.18       639.28      3023.15
             1999            1922.38       691.27      3222.69
             2000            2056.19       749.76      3380.08
             2001            2110.81       759.36      3471.88
             2002            2097.62       735.70      3492.11
1997-2002 Average            1940.46       697.51      3243.87

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
($1,000) Over 1997            -60.81       -11.85       -43.34

Net Income Adjustment (NIA)
(% of recpts) 1997            -39.06        -9.36       -26.86