Table 2. Comparison of Livestock Prices and Milk Prices, 1997-2002.

                                1997      1998      1999      2000      2001      2002

Cattle Prices

Feeder Cattle ($/cwt)          81.38     81.83     91.20     95.00     90.20     85.65

Fat Cattle ($/cwt)             66.33     69.29     74.90     78.55     74.79     71.70

Culled Cows ($/cwt)            34.17     40.34     46.05     47.39     47.51     45.41

Hog Prices

Barrows/Gilts ($/cwt)          51.73     40.36     43.92     46.64     44.59     42.44

Culled Sows ($/cwt)            44.80     37.33     39.81     41.17     39.98     37.98

Milk Prices -- National and State

All Milk Price ($/cwt)         13.30     13.27     13.15     13.11     13.09     13.08

California ($/cwt)             12.50     12.53     12.42     12.43     12.42     12.39

Florida ($/cwt)                16.51     16.49     16.37     16.38     16.37     16.34

Georgia ($/cwt)                14.33     14.38     14.27     14.27     14.26     14.24

Idaho ($/cwt)                  12.28     12.09     11.98     11.89     11.86     11.94

Michigan ($/cwt)               13.55     13.56     13.45     13.45     13.44     13.42

Missouri ($/cwt)               13.64     13.63     13.52     13.51     13.49     13.48

New Mexico ($/cwt)             12.81     12.68     12.58     12.51     12.49     12.54

New York ($/cwt)               13.28     13.24     13.13     13.11     13.09     13.10

Texas ($/cwt)                  13.71     13.64     13.51     13.46     13.42     13.41

Vermont ($/cwt)                14.27     14.56     14.50     13.77     13.76     13.75

Washington ($/cwt)             13.31     13.13     13.02     12.93     12.90     12.98

Wisconsin ($/cwt)              13.36     13.34     13.23     13.22     13.20     13.20

Source: Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University of
Missouri-Columbia and Iowa State University.