Table 5. Characteristics of Panel Farms in Wisconsin, New York, and Vermont Produ

              WID55  WID190 NYWD600 NYWD1000NYCD110NYCD225VTD70  VTD186

Total Cropland   195    685     875    1510    355    413    140    285
 Acres Owned     152    411     600     967    205    309    100    225
 Acres Leased     43    274     275     543    150    104     40     60

Total Pasture     30      0     200     200     50    300    125    100
 Acres Owned      30      0     200     200     50    300    100     50
 Acres Leased      0      0       0       0      0      0     25     50

Assets ($1000)
 Total           519   1255    2476    4934    596   1014    661   1155
 Real Estate     260    517     979    1777    373    464    357    579
 Machinery       139    270     379     914    104    290    184    315
 Other & Lives   120    467    1118    2243    120    259    120    261

Debt/Asset Ratios*
 Total          0.24   0.18    0.18    0.06   0.45   0.25   0.33   0.39
 Intermediate    0.2   0.11    0.15     0.1   0.04   0.25   0.19   0.22
 Long Run       0.27   0.27    0.21       0   0.69   0.25   0.45   0.56

         1996 Livestock
Dairy Cows        55    190     600    1000    110    225     70    186
Cwt Milk/Cow     203    216     215     215    216    215    224    208

         1996 Gross Receipts ($1,000)*
Total          170.2  591.6  1821.7  3000.9  305.4  655.9  227.8  539.5

 Milk          139.8    514  1639.4    2685  274.9  600.7  197.7  487.8
                82.1%  86.9%   90.0%   89.5%  90.0%  91.6%  86.8%  90.4%

 Dairy Cattle   21.1   63.2   163.1   223.4   30.6   55.2   21.4   45.8
                12.4%  10.7%    9.0%    7.4%  10.0%   8.4%   9.4%   8.5%

 Hay             1.6    2.8       0       0      0      0      0      0
                 1.0%   0.5%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%

 Silage          0.5      0    19.1    92.6      0      0    4.6    5.9
                 0.3%   0.0%    1.0%    3.1%   0.0%   0.0%   2.0%   1.1%

 Haylage         0.3      0       0       0      0      0    2.5      0
                 0.2%   0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   1.1%   0.0%

 Corn            0.5    0.6       0       0      0      0      0      0
                 0.3%   0.1%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%

 Soybeans          0    7.3       0       0      0      0      0      0
                 0.0%   1.2%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%

 Other Income    4.1      0       0       0      0      0    1.5      0
                 2.4%   0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.7%   0.0%

         1996 Planted Acres**
Total            190    683     875    1510    365    415    138    284

 Hay              43    120       0       0     88     99     32     67
                22.6%  17.6%    0.0%    0.0%  24.1%  23.9%  23.2%  23.6%

    Silage        20     90     470     850     80     99     50    117
                10.5%  13.2%   53.7%   56.3%  21.9%  23.9%  36.2%  41.2%

    Haylage       72    242     405     660     77    128     56    100
                37.9%  35.4%   46.3%   43.7%  21.1%  30.8%  40.6%  35.2%

 Corn             40    144       0       0    120     89      0      0
                21.1%  21.1%    0.0%    0.0%  32.9%  21.4%   0.0%   0.0%

     Soybeans     15     87       0       0      0      0      0      0
                 7.9%  12.7%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%   0.0%
 *Receipts for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each ente
   indicate the percentage of the total receipts accounted for by the livestock c
**Acreages for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each ente
   reflect acreage reduction percentages that year. Total planted acreage may exc
   to double cropping. Percents indicate the percentage of total planted acreage