Table 6. Characteristics of Panel Farms in Missouri, Georgia, and Florida Produci

              MOD77  MOD220 GAD160  GAD600  FLD375 FLD1500

Total Cropland   161    600       0     350    590    300
 Acres Owned     130    402       0     300    440    300
 Acres Leased     31    198       0      50    150      0

Total Pasture    110      0     200     150     60    800
 Acres Owned      30      0     200     150     60    800
 Acres Leased     80      0       0       0      0      0

Assets ($1000)
 Total           459   1338     661    2092   1267   5345
 Real Estate     202    697     389     850    698   2848
 Machinery       111    259      83     346    126    307
 Other & Lives   146    382     190     897    444   2191

Debt/Asset Ratios*
 Total          0.22   0.21    0.37    0.21    0.4   0.29
 Intermediate   0.19   0.18    0.12    0.12   0.08   0.11
 Long Run       0.27   0.24    0.54    0.34   0.67   0.44

         1996 Livestock
Dairy Cows        77    220     160     600    375   1500
Cwt Milk/Cow     209    216     198     213    178    184

         1996 Gross Receipts ($1,000)*
Total          235.8  692.4   466.8  1888.2 1096.3 4567.6

 Milk          204.8  605.3   426.9  1714.9 1023.7 4184.7
                86.8%  87.4%   91.5%   90.8%  93.4%  91.6%

 Dairy Cattle     31   56.2    39.9   149.4   72.6  357.4
                13.2%   8.1%    8.5%    7.9%   6.6%   7.8%

 Hay               0      0       0       0      0   18.3
                 0.0%   0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.4%

 Silage            0   14.7       0    23.9      0      0
                 0.0%   2.1%    0.0%    1.3%   0.0%   0.0%

 Haylage           0   16.2       0       0      0      0
                 0.0%   2.3%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%

 Improved Past     0      0       0       0      0    7.2
                 0.0%   0.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.2%

         1996 Planted Acres**
Total            161   1002     150     700   1180   1100

 Hay             161    452       0     150    590    300
               100.0%  45.1%    0.0%   21.4%  50.0%  27.3%

 Silage            0    160       0     400      0      0
                 0.0%  16.0%    0.0%   57.1%   0.0%   0.0%

 Haylage           0     40       0       0      0      0
                 0.0%   4.0%    0.0%    0.0%   0.0%   0.0%

 Improved Past     0    350     150     150    590    800
                 0.0%  34.9%  100.0%   21.4%  50.0%  72.7%
 *Receipts for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each ente
   indicate the percentage of the total receipts accounted for by the livestock c
**Acreages for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each ente
   reflect acreage reduction percentages that year. Total planted acreage may exc
   to double cropping. Percents indicate the percentage of total planted acreage