Table 12.  Implications of the Agricultural Market Transition Program (1995 Farm Bill) and December
           1995 FAPRI Baseline on the Economic Viability of Representative Farms that Primarily
           Produce Hogs.

                  ILH200    ILH450    INH150    INH600    NCH350    NCH12400  MOH75     MOH225

Change in Real Net Worth w/o Land
Inflation 1996-200    25.11     50.60     -0.59     19.16     30.48     54.88     23.50     17.64

Change in Real Net Worth
1996-2002 (%)         26.94     50.79      3.22     22.75     20.29     54.88     26.88     19.74

Government Payments to Receipts (%)
1996-2002 Average      3.56      2.56      4.20      3.29      0.00      0.00      3.26      2.89

Expenses to Receipts (%)
1996-2002 Average     75.59     72.79     84.92     86.84     85.73     93.10     73.92     80.02

Average Cash Receipts ($1000)
             1996    622.59   1292.45    492.11   1943.61    797.00  29658.16    186.30    535.13
             1997    578.40   1225.88    469.53   1846.25    753.10  28101.49    176.07    500.72
             1998    535.74   1114.71    437.53   1710.63    665.39  24693.51    164.48    465.59
             1999    582.59   1241.64    470.98   1853.86    756.15  28261.93    181.05    508.74
             2000    647.94   1367.01    512.41   2024.40    832.82  31175.15    194.53    550.32
             2001    590.56   1248.38    483.21   1900.66    760.38  28328.10    183.47    510.91
             2002    572.78   1183.98    466.29   1822.00    703.68  26278.66    177.22    486.38
1996-2002 Average    590.09   1239.15    476.01   1871.63    752.65  28071.00    180.45    508.25

Average Net Cash Income ($1000)
             1996    188.88    381.69    101.83    350.21    133.97   1801.49     50.66    116.45
             1997    150.14    337.07     78.24    269.42     97.99   1999.09     45.18    100.40
             1998    104.50    241.79     42.83    125.71     34.18   -531.55     34.24     69.81
             1999    151.33    359.06     76.26    255.09    128.34   3550.89     49.74    116.02
             2000    214.16    487.82    110.71    392.99    212.26   6232.82     63.24    143.83
             2001    151.98    359.52     71.15    256.19    128.71   2689.13     51.77    103.70
             2002    125.34    292.52     46.37    166.74     75.77    538.58     43.25     81.57
1996-2002 Average    155.19    351.35     75.34    259.48    115.89   2325.78     48.30    104.54

Average Government Payments ($1000)
             1996     14.50     22.36     14.55     43.78      0.00      0.00      4.74     12.38
             1997     21.62     33.26     21.22     64.64      0.00      0.00      6.26     15.50
             1998     23.24     35.80     23.22     70.56      0.00      0.00      6.75     16.47
             1999     26.98     40.77     24.60     77.02      0.00      0.00      7.17     17.86
             2000     21.84     33.24     20.87     64.19      0.00      0.00      6.08     15.07
             2001     18.59     28.15     17.30     53.97      0.00      0.00      5.11     12.97
             2002     17.34     26.23     16.22     50.36      0.00      0.00      4.72     11.82
1996-2002 Average     20.59     31.40     19.71     60.65      0.00      0.00      5.83     14.58

Average Total Debt ($1000)
             1996    456.26    819.30    596.36   1241.74    271.69    485.55    168.81    439.63
             1997    445.99    632.07    578.16   1110.16    234.52    198.30    166.06    412.24
             1998    447.08    572.70    577.40   1110.85    228.38    899.74    160.42    396.18
             1999    422.23    407.73    574.20   1182.33    202.95    486.73    158.48    482.03
             2000    407.38    228.43    619.13   1212.64    158.88    154.15    145.01    458.47
             2001    415.04    119.97    654.62   1181.13    104.95    130.93    136.18    427.26
             2002    388.67     82.15    769.40   1436.03     94.64    132.85    131.97    390.41
1996-2002 Average    426.09    408.91    624.18   1210.70    185.14    355.46    152.42    429.46

Average Nominal Net Worth ($1000)
             1996    993.46   2223.95    851.11   2571.04    826.36  11194.08    322.23    794.61
             1997   1066.38   2432.08    887.88   2761.73    849.13  11442.39    344.78    841.31
             1998   1081.10   2552.61    879.41   2783.46    807.53   8772.16    349.96    846.97
             1999   1160.59   2802.11    923.78   2968.21    882.19  11918.77    379.05    918.62
             2000   1270.60   3094.83    976.74   3189.24   1002.20  16739.24    411.05    979.44
             2001   1301.19   3216.08    960.49   3236.94   1033.88  17502.34    422.73    995.65
             2002   1313.28   3328.90    929.17   3242.15   1028.33  16714.36    429.35    997.62
1996-2002 Average   1169.51   2807.22    915.51   2964.68    918.52  13469.04    379.88    910.60

NIA for Real Net Worth w/o Land Inflation 1996-2002
in Dollars ($1000)   -44.99   -180.65      0.00    -80.43    -40.85   -896.48    -12.22    -22.67

NIA for Real Net Worth w/o Land Inflation 1996-2002
as % Receipts (%)     -7.66    -14.64      0.00     -4.30     -5.43     -3.19     -6.77     -4.46

NIA for Total Real Net Worth 1996-2002
in Dollars ($1000)   -50.00   -197.29     -4.03    -99.53    -27.90   -896.49    -15.13    -27.78

NIA for Total Real Net Worth 1996-2002
as % Receipts (%)     -8.51    -15.99     -0.85     -5.32     -3.71     -3.19     -8.38     -5.47