Table 7.  Implications of the Agricultural Market Transition Program (1995 Farm Bill) and December 1995 FAPRI Baseline
          on the Economic Viability of Representative Farms that Primarily Produce Cotton.

                  TXSP1682  TXSP3697  TXRP1700  TXRP2500  TXBL1200  TXCB1700  CAC900    CAC3150   MSC1635   MSC3620

Change in Real Net Worth w/o Land
Inflation 1996-200    14.75     55.59     15.05     15.79     16.47     18.05     -2.88    -26.83    -42.22    -17.77

Change in Real Net Worth
1996-2002 (%)         23.98     60.87     15.55     16.78     26.59     26.16      1.97    -15.31    -35.57    -13.07

Government Payments to Receipts (%)
1996-2002 Average      9.33      9.16     10.61     10.75     11.44      9.72      6.74      6.92      7.89      7.46

Expenses to Receipts (%)
1996-2002 Average     71.82     75.06     78.42     82.79     74.66     86.13     88.77    101.09     98.68     93.10

Average Cash Receipts ($1000)
             1996    289.39    907.23    234.75    372.31    282.29    561.87    995.67   3436.95    797.42   1626.17
             1997    282.70    887.49    242.13    384.59    291.18    579.21   1008.41   3477.29    788.29   1599.48
             1998    299.28    940.17    237.22    376.47    291.73    569.76   1040.13   3583.84    807.13   1637.70
             1999    280.57    880.91    238.01    377.48    289.90    562.80   1008.73   3480.23    794.63   1610.66
             2000    306.53    966.65    239.20    379.28    288.83    569.57   1044.44   3599.73    817.23   1662.08
             2001    298.93    931.91    238.68    378.43    288.33    561.43   1011.06   3488.22    795.90   1616.06
             2002    312.42    976.93    233.89    370.64    282.86    555.49    994.63   3432.70    787.93   1600.62
1996-2002 Average    295.69    927.33    237.70    377.03    287.87    565.73   1014.73   3499.85    798.36   1621.82

Average Net Cash Income ($1000)
             1996     90.91    266.10     73.21     94.19     80.88    125.12    143.85    148.47     72.49    227.37
             1997     87.13    251.68     77.25    101.12     91.28    129.24    152.36    142.20     51.88    185.62
             1998    100.57    283.45     69.29     91.61     93.55    122.33    169.22    180.12     52.69    183.98
             1999     82.34    227.75     65.01     87.36     88.48    110.36    124.86      0.13     23.05    125.29
             2000    101.14    289.09     63.42     83.77     82.26     90.97    141.18     11.54     21.89    134.52
             2001     91.98    249.04     60.72     76.40     78.78     76.17     88.72   -191.86    -25.83     56.47
             2002     95.39    273.80     56.43     65.40     72.88     66.16     32.74   -344.98    -54.75      9.36
1996-2002 Average     92.78    262.99     66.48     85.69     84.02    102.91    121.85     -7.77     20.20    131.80

Average Government Payments ($1000)
             1996     25.37     75.07     22.51     35.97     27.01     44.99     61.55    217.49     55.60    106.31
             1997     25.91     78.89     22.95     36.67     31.88     52.22     66.60    235.66     60.60    116.13
             1998     28.98     88.57     25.73     41.12     35.13     58.07     72.84    257.74     66.82    128.26
             1999     28.26     86.49     25.64     40.98     34.70     57.93     73.54    260.33     68.55    132.36
             2000     25.71     78.71     23.29     37.23     31.22     52.14     65.89    233.22     60.55    116.35
             2001     24.13     76.38     22.26     35.59     29.19     49.62     64.08    227.17     59.76    115.22
             2002     24.69     78.70     21.19     33.88     28.67     48.70     64.72    229.51     60.44    116.65
1996-2002 Average     26.15     80.40     23.37     37.35     31.12     51.95     67.03    237.30     61.76    118.75

Average Total Debt ($1000)
             1996    115.30    316.72     93.69    104.13    185.18    169.27    335.24   1728.37    341.28    781.25
             1997     87.63    323.96    127.68    149.49    156.47    151.63    339.79   1645.28    352.12    848.59
             1998     97.06    265.69    135.38    131.18    155.11    131.56    333.03   1687.06    380.14    836.78
             1999     78.08    189.07    126.61    127.21    167.74    243.94    291.72   1844.06    431.74    873.66
             2000     78.66    176.55    109.23    118.11    148.57    221.92    270.46   1972.94    584.55    918.33
             2001    115.88    129.74     98.39    157.28    125.44    203.40    484.32   2327.21    665.33    929.48
             2002     87.49     93.86    100.15    145.92    108.57    219.69    696.22   2960.71    790.47   1108.93
1996-2002 Average     94.30    213.66    113.02    133.33    149.58    191.63    392.97   2023.66    506.52    899.57

Average Nominal Net Worth ($1000)
             1996    524.03   1140.90    238.65    422.06    405.29    472.56   1905.43   7946.63   1146.34   2560.97
             1997    559.18   1267.45    258.96    456.21    446.25    518.74   1986.91   8050.85   1140.62   2625.60
             1998    606.46   1401.28    267.85    473.36    491.12    574.21   2048.20   8182.86   1126.19   2648.50
             1999    618.23   1485.29    278.24    500.10    512.59    610.77   2093.26   8174.74   1096.36   2657.75
             2000    652.92   1616.53    285.90    520.29    530.77    606.68   2164.85   8176.84   1050.34   2637.68
             2001    686.40   1720.38    297.41    537.77    552.25    616.46   2169.68   8007.77    952.45   2570.05
             2002    703.43   1836.78    298.70    531.49    562.65    608.82   2115.55   7677.03    844.51   2478.28
1996-2002 Average    621.52   1495.52    275.10    491.61    500.13    572.60   2069.13   8030.96   1050.97   2596.97

NIA for Real Net Worth w/o Land Inflation 1996-2002
in Dollars ($1000)   -13.42    -94.03     -4.58     -9.36    -10.23    -10.57     10.00    355.10     85.69     74.85

NIA for Real Net Worth w/o Land Inflation 1996-2002
as % Receipts (%)     -4.58    -10.14     -1.93     -2.48     -3.55     -1.87      0.99     10.15     10.73      4.61

NIA for Total Real Net Worth 1996-2002
in Dollars ($1000)   -21.50   -100.64     -4.75     -9.97    -16.97    -15.10    -10.00    186.20     70.68     55.50

NIA for Total Real Net Worth 1996-2002
as % Receipts (%)     -7.34    -10.85     -2.00     -2.65     -5.89     -2.67     -0.99      5.32      8.85      3.42