Table 11.  Implications of the Federal Agriculture Improvement and Reform Act of
           1996 (1996 Farm Bill) and April 1996 FAPRI Baseline on the Economic
           Viability of Representative Farms that Primarily Produce Cattle.

                              MTB400      WYB300    COB250     STB400     MOSB150

Change in Real Net Worth
1996-2002 (%)                  13.08       6.07       6.31      -5.16      14.84

Government Payments to Receipts (%)
1996-2002 Average               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       2.54

Expenses to Receipts (%)
1996-2002 Average              59.34      87.09      78.26      97.12      67.95

Average Cash Receipts ($1000)
             1996             115.42      88.39      87.99     129.12     105.86
             1997             117.40      89.86      91.91     132.81     106.95
             1998             137.73     106.04     103.31     152.39     112.77
             1999             153.06     117.50     111.58     167.32     117.67
             2000             170.90     130.58     121.53     187.17     124.02
             2001             173.11     131.80     123.18     190.67     125.86
             2002             186.78     142.17     130.55     204.45     131.30
1996-2002 Average             156.50     119.66     113.68     172.47     119.76

Average Net Cash Income ($1000)
             1996              26.17      -1.41       9.32     -18.79      32.08
             1997              26.54      -2.69       9.80     -18.26      29.53
             1998              47.50       6.71      17.18      -6.50      35.01
             1999              61.87      16.38      23.16       3.01      35.45
             2000              82.88      27.34      30.25      17.89      42.82
             2001              84.25      24.80      34.53      20.49      45.54
             2002              96.90      36.24      41.83      30.66      51.71
1996-2002 Average              66.66      18.13      26.12       7.88      40.01

Average Government Payments ($1000)
             1996               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       2.69
             1997               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       2.97
             1998               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       3.49
             1999               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       3.36
             2000               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       3.08
             2001               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       2.48
             2002               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       2.40
1996-2002 Average               0.00       0.00       0.00       0.00       2.96

Average Total Debt ($1000)
             1996              74.96      41.20     101.34     154.87      74.78
             1997              72.67      57.79     128.12     200.32      75.71
             1998              74.69      78.13     136.09     229.71     107.31
             1999              51.61      89.35     128.35     255.58      87.39
             2000              18.70     100.92     116.92     256.41      73.72
             2001              30.83      90.49     102.05     257.15      55.46
             2002              15.96     106.02     102.04     296.22      67.31
1996-2002 Average              44.08      87.12     118.93     249.23      77.82

Average Nominal Net Worth ($1000)
             1996            1540.57     549.57    1410.50    2349.15     592.79
             1997            1582.82     543.80    1436.32    2414.32     611.41
             1998            1669.04     573.92    1485.81    2494.42     650.47
             1999            1739.45     597.19    1535.23    2511.32     676.80
             2000            1829.26     636.92    1602.34    2554.01     712.95
             2001            1906.77     649.73    1657.18    2572.24     738.14
             2002            1998.19     693.21    1728.38    2611.45     773.34
1996-2002 Average            1787.59     615.80    1574.21    2526.29     693.85

NIA for Total Real Net Worth 1996-2002
in Dollars ($1000)            -52.92      -4.88     -13.36      17.25     -16.18

NIA for Total Real Net Worth 1996-2002
as % Receipts (%)             -33.81      -4.08     -11.75      10.00     -13.51