Table 3.  Projected Fixed Payment Rates (Net of 1995 Deficiency Repayments) and Loan Rates

                        1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002

Net Fixed Payment Rates
Corn ($/bu.)            0.2654   0.3088   0.3972   0.3832   0.3506   0.2823   0.2739

Wheat ($/bu.)           0.5636   0.6501   0.6883   0.6649   0.6088   0.4901   0.4756

Cotton ($/lb.)          0.0744   0.0764   0.0813   0.0785   0.0719   0.0578   0.0561

Sorghum ($/bu.)         0.1799   0.1891   0.2467   0.2374   0.2169   0.1747   0.1695

Barley ($/bu.)          0.1420   0.2815   0.2906   0.2790   0.2542   0.2046   0.1986

Oats ($/bu.)            0.0000   0.0398   0.0419   0.0405   0.0371   0.0298   0.0289

Rice ($/cwt.)           2.7869   2.7445   2.9522   2.8536   2.6169   2.1166   2.0556

Loan Rates
Corn ($/bu.)              1.89     1.89     1.89     1.89     1.89     1.89     1.87

Wheat ($/bu.)             2.58     2.58     2.58     2.58     2.58     2.58     2.58

Cotton ($/lb.)          0.5192   0.5192   0.5192   0.5192   0.5192   0.5192   0.5192

Sorghum ($/bu.)           1.80     1.80     1.80     1.80     1.80     1.80     1.78

Soybeans ($/bu.)          4.97     5.23     5.26     5.24     5.24     4.97     4.92

Barley ($/bu.)            1.54     1.54     1.54     1.54     1.54     1.54     1.52

Oats ($/bu.)              0.97     0.97     0.97     0.97     0.97     0.97     0.96

Rice ($/cwt.)             6.50     6.50     6.50     6.50     6.50     6.50     6.50
Source: Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University
of Missouri-Columbia and Iowa State University.  The deficiency repayment rates are:
Corn-$0.20/bu.(1997), Wheat-$0.35/bu. (1996), Sorghum-$0.195/bu. (1997), Barley-$0.20/bu.
(1996), Oats-$0.05/bu. (1996).