Table A8. Characteristics of Panel Farms in Illinois, Indiana, North Carolina, and Missouri Producing Hogs.

                             ILH200       ILH450        INH150     INH600         NCH350     NCH12400  MOH100     MOH225

County                        Knox         Knox        Carroll     Carroll        Wayne        Wayne   Carroll   Carroll

Total Cropland                1200         1600          800         2250           50            0       330      1020
 Acres Owned                   350          850          280          800           50            0       220       520
 Acres Leased                  850          750          520         1450            0            0       110       500

Acres Owned                      0            0            0            0            0            0       100         0

Assets ($1,000)
 Total                        1549         3117         1455         3814         1130        12993       585      1537
 Real Estate                   962         2175         1011         2528          803            1       423      1081
 Machinery                     376          560          330          815           75           21        67       273
 Other & Livestock             210          383          114          472          252        12970        94       183

Debt/Asset Ratios*
 Total                        0.46         0.44         0.47         0.45         0.40         0.36      0.42      0.45
 Intermediate                 0.50         0.44         0.57         0.47         0.37         0.36      0.39      0.49
 Long Run                     0.44         0.44         0.43         0.43         0.41         0.43      0.43      0.43

1996 Livestock
Beef Cows                        0            0            0            0            0            0        25         0
Sows                           200          450          150          600          350        12400       100       225

1996 Gross Receipts
Total                        588.7       1234.5        494.9       1931.6        787.9      29172.7     228.0     584.2

 Cattle                        0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0       7.4       0.0
                               0.0%         0.0%         0.0%         0.0%         0.0%         0.0%      3.3%      0.0%

 Hogs                        384.1       1032.3        294.7       1286.5        780.6      29172.7     184.5     469.5
                              65.2%        83.6%        59.5%        66.6%        99.1%       100.0%     80.9%     80.4%

 Corn                         54.9         21.7        141.9        378.2          0.0          0.0       3.2       6.8
                               9.3%         1.8%        28.7%        19.6%         0.0%         0.0%      1.4%      1.2%

 Soybeans                    136.2        175.5         52.5        250.8          0.0          0.0      19.1      75.8
                              23.1%        14.2%        10.6%        13.0%         0.0%         0.0%      8.4%     13.0%

 Wheat                         5.7          0.0          5.8         16.1          0.0          0.0      13.8      32.0
                               1.0%         0.0%         1.2%         0.8%         0.0%         0.0%      6.0%      5.5%

 Hay                           5.3          0.0          0.0          0.0          7.3          0.0       0.0       0.0
                               0.9%         0.0%         0.0%         0.0%         0.9%         0.0%      0.0%      0.0%

 Other Income                  2.5          5.0          0.0          0.0          0.0          0.0       0.0       0.0
                               0.4%         0.4%         0.0%         0.0%         0.0%         0.0%      0.0%      0.0%

1996 Planted Acres
Total                       1149.9       1600.0        800.0       2250.0         30.0          0.0     360.0    1000.0

 Corn                        600.0        960.0        600.0       1500.0          0.0          0.0     160.0     400.0
                              52.2%        60.0%        75.0%        66.7%         0.0%         0.0%     44.4%     40.0%

 Soybeans                    500.0        640.0        175.0        700.0          0.0          0.0      80.0     400.0
                              43.5%        40.0%        21.9%        31.1%         0.0%         0.0%     22.2%     40.0%

 Wheat                        25.0          0.0         25.0         50.0          0.0          0.0      80.0     200.0
                               2.2%         0.0%         3.1%         2.2%         0.0%         0.0%     22.2%     20.0%

 Hay                          24.9          0.0          0.0          0.0         30.0          0.0      40.0       0.0
                               2.2%         0.0%         0.0%         0.0%       100.0%         0.0%     11.1%      0.0%

 *Receipts for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise to the farm. Percents indicate the
  percentage of the total receipts accounted for by the livestock categories and the crops.
**Acreages for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise to the farm; these values reflect
  acreage reduction percentages that year. Total planted acreage may exceed total crop and available due to double
  cropping.  Percents indicate the percentage of total planted acreage accounted for by the crop.