Table A2.  Characteristics of Representative Feed Grain Farms in Texas, Kansas, and
           South Carolina

                        TXNP1600   TXNP5500    KSG728    KSG1652    SCG1500    SCG3500

County                   Moore      Moore      Finney     Finney   Clarendon  Clarendon

Total Cropland            1600       5500        728       1650       1500       3500
 Acres Owned               320       1100        121        185        500       1400
 Acres Leased             1280       4400        607       1465       1000       2100

Assets ($1000)
 Total                     637       2112        409        782        971       3268
 Real Estate               195        682        100        200        597       2059
 Machinery                 313       1204        302        554        256        752
 Other                     129        226          7         27        118        458

Debt/Asset Ratios*
 Total                    0.18       0.19       0.29       0.19       0.21       0.26
 Intermediate             0.20       0.19       0.22       0.19       0.25       0.39
 Long Run                 0.15       0.18       0.51       0.18       0.19       0.18

1996 Gross Receipts
Total                    386.6     1254.1      220.4      361.5      596.1     1576.3

 Corn                    189.5      967.2      201.6      321.0      196.8      412.9
                        49.00%     77.10%     91.50%     88.80%     33.00%     26.20%

 Sorghum                  74.4       72.5        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
                        19.20%      5.80%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

 Wheat                   122.8      199.3        5.3       40.5      364.7        0.0
                        31.80%     15.90%      2.40%     11.20%     61.20%      0.00%

 Soybeans                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       34.7      946.1
                         0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      5.80%     60.00%

 Cotton                    0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      217.3
                         0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     13.80%

 Other Receipts            0.0       15.0       13.5        0.0        0.0        0.0
                         0.00%      1.20%      6.10%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

1996 Planted Acres
Total                     1600       5500        728       1650       1500       3500

 Corn                      470       2200        600       1050        600     1130.5
                        29.40%     40.00%     82.40%     63.60%     40.00%     32.30%

 Sorghum                   280        275          0          0          0          0
                        17.50%      5.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

 Wheat                     642       2475        128        600        750          0
                        40.10%     45.00%     17.60%     36.40%     50.00%      0.00%

 Soybeans                    0          0          0          0        150     2019.5
                         0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     10.00%     57.70%

 Cotton                      0          0          0          0          0        350
                         0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     10.00%

 Fallow                    208        550          0          0          0          0
                        13.00%     10.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

 *Receipts for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise
  to the farm. Percents indicate the percentage of the total receipts accounted for by
  the crop.
**Acreages for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise
  to the farm; these values reflect acreage reduction percentages that year. Total
  planted acreage may exceed total cropland available due to double cropping. Percents
  indicate the percentage of total planted acreage accounted for by the crop.