Table A5.  Characteristics of Representative Rice Farms in California, Texas, Missouri, Arkansas, and Louisiana.

                         CAR424     CAR1365   TXR2118    TXR3750    MOR1900    MOR4000    ARR1260    LAR1100

County                   Sutter      Yuba     Wharton    Wharton     Butler     Butler    Poinsett    Acadia

Total Cropland             424       1365       2118       3750       1900       4000       1260       1100
 Acres Owned               212        515        318       1688        380       2000        440         50
 Acres Leased              212        850       1800       2062       1520       2000        820       1050

 Acres Owned                 0          0          0        200          0          0          0          0

Assets ($,1000's)
 Total                     675       1962        544       1909       1467       5510       1371        287
 Real Estate               446       1327        197       1138        846       3942        736         78
 Machinery                 205        546        298        590        597       1351        582        194
 Other & Livestock          25         89         49        181         25        217         53         15

Debt/Asset Ratios
 Total                    0.20       0.19       0.19       0.20       0.20       0.22       0.19       0.21
 Intermediate             0.20       0.17       0.18       0.20       0.20       0.28       0.19       0.22
 Long Run                 0.20       0.20       0.19       0.19       0.19       0.19       0.19       0.19

1996 Livestock
 Beef                        0          0          0        200          0          0          0          0

1996 Gross Receipts*
Total                    349.7     1087.6      469.4     1333.1      644.5     1884.6      547.0      314.3

 Cattle                    0.0        0.0        0.0       32.8        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      2.50%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

 Medium Grain Rice       331.4     1068.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      216.7       91.8
                         94.80%     98.20%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     39.60%     29.20%

 Long Grain Rice           0.0        0.0      462.4     1280.3      303.7     1033.1      203.3      170.3
                          0.00%      0.00%     98.50%     96.00%     47.10%     54.80%     37.20%     54.20%

 Soybeans                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      119.9      183.9       97.1       49.2
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     18.60%      9.80%     17.75%     15.70%

 Corn                      0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      220.9      530.8        0.0        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     34.30%     28.20%      0.00%      0.00%

 Wheat                     0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       28.9        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      5.28%      0.00%

 Cotton                    0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      136.7        0.0        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      7.30%      0.00%      0.00%

 Other Receipts           18.3       19.6        7.0       20.0        0.0        0.0        1.0        3.0
                          5.20%      1.80%      1.50%      1.50%      0.00%      0.00%      0.20%      1.00%

1996 Planted Acres**
Total                      400       1265       1110       2975       1899       4000       1305       1100

 Medium Grain Rice       400.0     1265.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      348.0      189.1
                        100.00%    100.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     26.67%     17.20%

 Long Grain Rice           0.0        0.0      600.0     1500.0      616.0     1710.0      348.0      350.9
                          0.00%      0.00%    100.00%     93.30%     32.40%     42.80%     26.67%     31.90%

 Soybeans                  0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      650.0      800.0      464.0      361.9
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     34.20%     20.00%     35.56%     32.90%

 Corn                      0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      633.0     1250.0        0.0        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     33.30%     31.30%      0.00%      0.00%

 Wheat                     0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      145.0        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     11.11%      0.00%

 Cotton                    0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      240.0        0.0        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      6.00%      0.00%      0.00%

 Hay                       0.0        0.0        0.0      200.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      6.70%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

 Fallow                    0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      198.1
                          0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     18.00%

 *Receipts for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise to the farm. Percents
  indicate the percentage of the total receipts accounted for by the livestock categories and the crops.
**Acreages for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise to the farm; these values
  reflect acreage reduction percentages that year. Total planted acreage may exceed total cropland available due
  to double cropping. Percents indicate the percentage of total planted acreage accounted for by the crop.