Table A1.  Characterstics of Representative Feed Grain Farms in Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska

                      IAG950     IAG2200    MOCG1500   MOCG3000   MONG1200   NEG800     NEG1575

County                Webster    Webster    Carroll    Carroll    Nodaway    Phelps     Phelps

Total Cropland           950       2200       1500       3000       1200        800       1575
 Acres Owned             320        320        750       1500        600        400       1040
 Acres Leased            630       1880        750       1500        600        400        535

 Acres Owned               0          0          0          0        300        250          0
 Acres Leased              0          0          0          0        300        250          0

Assets ($1,000's)
 Total                  1190       1443       1752       3271       1552       1293       2785
 Real Estate             943        958       1345       2565       1135        965       2150
 Machinery               203        388        345        542        235        268        554
 Other & Livestock        44         97         62        164        182         60         81

Debt/Asset Ratios
 Total                  0.22       0.20       0.22       0.18       0.18       0.19       0.21
 Intermediate           0.33       0.22       0.30       0.14       0.15       0.19       0.26
 Long Run               0.19       0.19       0.19       0.19       0.19       0.20       0.19

1996 Livestock
 Beef                      0          0          0          0        150        100          0
 Sows                      0          0          0          0         80          0          0

1996 Gross Receipts*
Total                  320.0      573.5      381.5      840.9      452.3      378.0      789.6

Cattle                   0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       63.3       29.7        0.0
                        0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     14.00%      7.80%      0.00%

Hogs                     0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      181.1        0.0        0.0
                        0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     40.00%      0.00%      0.00%

Corn                   182.6      332.7      174.1      469.6       95.7      348.4      769.6
                       57.00%     58.00%     45.60%     55.80%     21.20%     92.20%     97.50%

Wheat                    0.0        0.0       45.9       57.3        0.0        0.0        0.0
                        0.00%      0.00%     12.00%      6.80%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

Soybeans               137.5      240.8      151.5      313.9      106.3        0.0        0.0
                       43.00%     42.00%     39.70%     37.30%     23.50%      0.00%      0.00%

Hay                      0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0        5.9        0.0        0.0
                        0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      1.30%      0.00%      0.00%

Other Receipts           0.0        0.0       10.0        0.0        0.0        0.0       20.0
                        0.00%      0.00%      2.60%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      2.50%

1996 Planted Acres**
Total                    950       2200       1500       3000       1200        800       1575

Corn                   475.0     1100.0      550.0     1350.0      525.0      770.0     1575.0
                       50.00%     50.00%     36.70%     45.00%     43.80%     96.30%    100.00%

Wheat                    0.0        0.0      250.0      300.0        0.0        0.0        0.0
                        0.00%      0.00%     16.70%     10.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%

Soybeans               475.0     1100.0      700.0     1350.0      525.0        0.0        0.0
                       50.00%     50.00%     46.70%     45.00%     43.80%      0.00%      0.00%

Hay                      0.0        0.0        0.0        0.0      150.0       30.0        0.0
                        0.00%      0.00%      0.00%      0.00%     12.50%      3.80%      0.00%

 *Receipts for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise to the
  farm. Percents indicate the percentage of the total receipts accounted for by the livestock
  categories and the crops.
**Acreages for 1996 are included to indicate the relative importance of each enterprise to the
  farm; these values reflect acreage reduction percentages that year. Total planted acreage may
  exceed total cropland available due to double cropping. Percents indicate the percentage of
  total planted acreage accounted for by the crop.