Table 1.  Comparison of Crop Prices Under the Baseline and The Alternative Interest Rate Scenarios.*

                         1996        1997        1998        1999        2000        2001        2002

Corn ($/bu.)
Baseline                 2.75        2.37        2.36        2.42        2.44        2.55        2.61
50 Point Increase        2.75        2.37        2.35        2.42        2.45        2.55        2.61
100 Point Increase       2.74        2.37        2.35        2.42        2.45        2.55        2.62

Wheat ($/bu.)
Baseline                  4.3        3.38         3.3        3.63        3.63        3.78        3.78
50 Point Increase         4.3        3.38        3.31        3.63        3.63        3.78        3.79
100 Point Increase        4.3        3.38        3.31        3.63        3.64        3.79         3.8

Cotton ($/lb.)
Baseline               0.7133       0.665      0.6458      0.6499      0.6667      0.6803      0.6857
50 Point Increase      0.7133      0.6649      0.6457      0.6498      0.6666      0.6804      0.6858
100 Point Increase     0.7133      0.6649      0.6457      0.6497      0.6665      0.6804      0.6860

Sorghum ($/bu.)
Baseline                 2.33        2.28        2.25        2.32        2.38        2.47        2.52
50 Point Increase        2.33        2.28        2.25        2.32        2.38        2.47        2.52
100 Point Increase       2.33        2.28        2.25        2.32        2.38        2.48        2.53

Soybeans ($/bu.)
Baseline                 6.85        6.23        5.83         5.8        5.92        5.98        6.08
50 Point Increase        6.85        6.22        5.82         5.8        5.92        5.98        6.09
100 Point Increase       6.85        6.22        5.82        5.79        5.92        5.99        6.09

Barley ($/bu.)
Baseline                 2.71        2.36        2.25        2.31        2.39        2.44        2.43
50 Point Increase        2.71        2.36        2.25        2.31        2.39        2.45        2.43
100 Point Increase       2.71        2.36        2.26        2.31         2.4        2.45        2.44

Oats ($/bu.)
Baseline                 1.93        1.52        1.36        1.38        1.39        1.41        1.43
50 Point Increase        1.93        1.52        1.36        1.37        1.39        1.42        1.44
100 Point Increase       1.93        1.52        1.36        1.37        1.39        1.42        1.45

Rice ($/cwt.)
Baseline                 9.41        8.71        8.64         8.5        8.73        8.81        8.92
50 Point Increase        9.41        8.71        8.65         8.5        8.73        8.81        8.92
100 Point Increase       9.41        8.71        8.65         8.5        8.73        8.81        8.92

Soybean Meal ($/ton)
Baseline               218.03       196.8      188.13      190.43      194.87       196.7      195.55
50 Point Increase      217.93       196.5      187.82      190.23      194.84      196.89      195.92
100 Point Increase     217.84       196.2       187.5      190.01      194.81      197.06      196.27

All Hay ($/ton)
Baseline                92.43       86.39       83.56       83.17       82.73        80.6       79.15
50 Point Increase       92.43       86.29       83.42          83        82.6       80.53       79.15
100 Point Increase      92.43       86.22       83.26       82.83       82.48       80.47       79.15

*Baseline refers to the projected prices for the January 1997 FAPRI/AFPC Baseline.
50 and 100 Point Increases refer to the projected prices for the 50 and 100 point Increase in
the 90 Day Treasury Bill rate.

Source: Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) at the University
        of Missouri-Columbia and Iowa State University.